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Design Beam

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I was immediately drawn to Beam's innovative approach to sustainable urban mobility, providing hassle-free and efficient commuting options within the city. The use of kick scooters for transportation not only caught my attention but also sparked my fascination with the idea.


What truly impressed me was the thoughtful design and usability features of these scooters. The incorporation of practical elements such as phone holders and GPS functionality adds a layer of convenience to the commuting experience. It's this attention to detail that fueled my enthusiasm for these scooters.


In a world where transportation stands as a major contributor to global warming, initiatives like Beam's offer a refreshing and eco-friendly alternative. Embracing such solutions on a global scale could significantly contribute to a more sustainable and environmentally conscious future.

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Website product page light mode 4.png
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Card UI 2.png
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Fuelled by my passion for Beam's scooters, I took it upon myself to translate that enthusiasm into a tangible form—I recreated these innovative scooters as a detailed 3D model. This hands-on experience allowed me to delve into the intricacies of their design, further deepening my appreciation for the thoughtfulness put into their creation.


Driven by a vision to enhance the overall user experience, I also set out to redesign the product page on Beam's website. Specifically, my focus was on optimizing the layout for a more intuitive and engaging presentation. I believe that a well-crafted product page can not only showcase the scooters' features effectively but also enhance the overall online interaction for potential users.

It's my way of contributing to the promotion of these remarkable sustainable mobility solutions.

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